Can WordPress Use SQL Server?
Blogging is perhaps one of the most popular social media activities especially for people who love to share and discuss ideas, passions, and interests. And for bloggers who are determined to have their own site, WordPress has become their go-to space.
With an increasing number of bloggers becoming interested in this app, a question arises—can WordPress use SQL server for its installation?
Installing anything that requires more than clicking “Next, Next, Finish” can get tedious, especially for users who don’t have the necessary experience. That being said, there are plenty of tutorials out there which people can use for more complicated tasks.
Installing WordPress on a SQL server is one of these tasks that require a bit more finesse. But before going into it, it’s important to take a look at WordPress and SQL separately.
What is WordPress?
WordPress was launched in 2013 and has grown to be one of the most popular blogging systems and website management tools worldwide. Currently supporting over 60 million websites around the world, its popularity has grown not only because it offers free access to a personal website once the account has been created, but also because it is user-friendly and very customizable.
So how does WordPress actually work? For the end user, it’s simple—an URL in the search bar opens a fully functional website. At its core, WordPress is open source software designed to support the average web interface.
The fact that it is open source means anyone can check the base code and further develop their own themes and apps for a more personalized usage. While end-users might be intimidated by the idea, developers have managed to work wonders using the open-ended nature of the software.
What is SQL?
Without diving into very complicated explanations, SQL is, at its core, a programming language. Based on calculus and algebra, SQL is an ideal language for managing RDBMS (relational database management system) files.
The main idea behind it was to access large quantities of files by using simplified commands, increasing productivity for a lot of PC users.
SQL has seen improvements over the 47 years it’s been in use. Currently, there are a lot of platforms that still use it as a base language.
MySQL is open-source data management software based on the SQL language. It’s used in a client-server model, MySQL not being able to function without the presence of a server on which it has to run.
Can WordPress Use SQL server?
WordPress can’t be installed like the typical Microsoft app. The user must first create a MySQL database by opening the Database Wizard. The name of the database isn’t relevant, so the user can pick a custom label for it.
The account used with the database must have full privileges—it’s a very important step that must not be overlooked. It’s recommended that the user and server info is saved on a notepad for ease of access.
From, the latest version of the software must be downloaded. On the WordPress website, under the “Download WordPress” tab, the developers state that only the database info is required for a successful installation.
Please note that there are different menu options which should be explored, especially the “Requirements” tab to ensure that the machine is fully equipped with running the software.
Under the same tab, other useful materials are hyperlinked, such as the address to the forum, where users can seek guidance for installing the tool. The installation kit comes in a .zip format. This means that archive tools are required to access the kit. 7zip is perfect for this task.
FTP software is required to access the website’s data. FileZilla is another free choice which is perfect for this purpose. After logging into the server, the user must then access the public_html server folder.
Within the public_html server folder, the unzipped WordPress files must be stored in a new directory.
Using a web browser, the user must access the WordPress directory by typing in an address which will look something like “address.domain/WordPress Folder”. The browser will then prompt a message which reads “There doesn’t seem to be a wp-config.php file.”
Using the “Create a Configuration File,” the user will be able to link WordPress to their existing database by using the information saved on the notepad. This includes User and Database name, password, and Database Host.
If all of the data filled is correct, the user will be prompted to the WordPress setup page, where they can name the website, change the credentials, and more. The process itself takes around 5-10 minutes, as stated on the download page.
MySQL: Why it’s a Good Choice
MySQL is by no means cutting edge software. While it doesn’t stand out, it’s freeware that’s still getting constant and consistent updates, addressing security issues and other problems that might be relevant for storing sensitive data.
Since it’s been acquired by Oracle, MySQL has become less-open ended, with close-ended modules stripping it of its reputation. That being said, the InnoDB storage engine is also an Oracle proprietary product, meaning that development for the two would often address a lot of compatibility issues.
Moreover, it has support for modern hardware, since it’s constantly being updated. Because it’s designed specifically for high data traffic management, it’s an ideal choice for website data management.
Can WordPress Use SQL server? The answer is, yes! SQL is the programming language which is the basis of MySQL. The fact that SQL is accessible by a lot of developers has translated into a lot of products based on this programming language.
Installing WordPress on MySQL is a pretty trivial thing to do, provided that all the steps are respected. It takes under five minutes, as stated on the WordPress website.
If the installation doesn’t go as planned, there are WordPress forums where you can meet knowledgeable people who can help you troubleshoot a lot of common errors and give plenty of valuable advice.