How to Jump Start Your Network Marketing Business Through Higher Conversion Rate?
Converting leads into team members is a function of your BELIEF that you have in your product, compensation plan, integrity of your company and the network marketing the concept of wealth creation. We have covered this in details earlier. If you have the BELIEF THAT YOU CAN SUCCEED AND ARE WILLING TO LEAD…….. CONVERSION RATE WILL GO THROUGH THE ROOF.
Conversion rate also depends on your skills level. MLM is first and foremost a people business. So, the first thing you have to master is the people skills. Spend your time studying people … and learn how to find the people STARVING for what you have to offer. FIND A MOB OF STARVING PEOPLE AND THEY WILL CONVERT TO YOUR CAUSE WITH MINIMUM EFFORT.
If you do not understand what the prospect is looking for, then you will never be able to sponsor the person. You must learn to discover the dreams that shape and drive a person. If a person is not aware of his dreams, help him to uncover the dreams. Don’t talk too much…….just listen to their dreams. What do they want most passionately? How do their desires drive them in decision-makings? What gets them in frenzy when they look for an opportunity?
What attracts them? Is it your product or your compensation plan? If a person is attracted to your product, don’t drive him away by focusing on the business plan. Network marketing is not recruiting. It is relating.
”Why Do Some People Succeed in Network Marketing, While Others NEVER Do?”
The answer to this simple question is that, successful people make the effort to understand what really makes people tick … what motivates them … why they make the choices.
Research has shown that there are four distinct types of personalities. It is called the DISC Personality composition. D stands for Dominance, I for Influence, S for Submission and C for Compliance. Understanding the DISC personality and how to deal with them will greatly improve the ratio of conversion.
DOMINANCE or ‘D’ is 15% of the population. They relate to control, power and assertiveness. They are motivated by money and are money-focused.
Don’t bother talking to them about family and social things. They don’t care. They are ambitious, determined, egocentric and strong-willed.
How To Sponsor a ‘D’
All they want to talk about is money, money and money. They think network marketing is a sales business. For them, it is sell, sell, sell. They’re just looking for somebody who will build, build, build. They are happy with 5% retentions. For them, it’s a sales business.
‘Ds’ are the corporate CEOs. They are “get-the-job-done” type of people who believe that everyone in network marketing is trying to recruit them. But it’s a fallacy. You simply cannot coach them.
They have big egos. They like to order people around. It works in the corporate world, but not in network marketing. They can drive people away.
You want to sponsor ‘Ds’ because they have the connections and will put you in contact with the right kind of people who matter. They know business owners and leaders. Don’t ever try to coach or mentor them. Never tell them what to do, because it’s NOT going to happen. Let them do it themselves. You have no choice.
Influence or ‘I’ pertains to oriented people who are highly sociable, excellent communicators, warm, trusting and “just want to have fun.” They’re 15% of the population. They are the type of people that make great sales. They jump from one program to another, looking for fun. These are very creative people with magnetic personalities. They want to look at the big picture and don’t want to be bothered with the details.
How To Sponsor an ‘I’
With an ‘I’ person, talk excitedly, be excited. Talk about partying, going golfing; sky diving, scuba diving,cricket and a lot of fun activities. They love having fun, fun and more fun. That’s what they love and want to talk about all the time. “Hey, when you meet me at the dance, I’ll be wearing a Hawaiian shirt. You’ll recognize me. I’ll have a big, funny hat on.” They love to talk about how they will be spending the holidays & their family. They will join your team if you can get them excited and show how it will be fun to do so.
‘S’ are patient and persistent people and form about 35% of the population. They’re the analytical type of people. They analyze everything to death. They miss millions of dollars of opportunities because they keep analyzing
They usually delay their actions. They want to proceed at a steady pace and don’t like sudden change.
How To Sponsor a ‘S’
‘S’ believe that they’re the smartest people on the planet. Within 2-3 minutes of talking, you’ll know you have an ‘S’ type. They want all the details of the business.
You can never sell them anything, don’t even try because you will fail. They have to sell it to themselves first. They’ll listen to the conference call. Then they’ll go to the website and check every link. If you have 25 links on your website, they’ll check them all. They will Google, go to YouTube, they’ll read all the testimonials and the articles. Don’t try and go too fast. Give them all the information. Be upfront. Answer all their questions. Give them more websites to visit for information.
If you call them to answer questions, they will get upset. They will perceive you as being too pushy. Let them analyze the information at THEIR pace. In a week or two, they’ll call back for more information or be ready to start. That time, they already sold the idea to themselves and decided that this is the perfect business for them. If you are patient, you will win them over.
‘C’ adheres to rules, regulations and structures. They make up 35% of the population. They are nurses, schoolteachers and scientists. They work from the heart. They have time for everybody but not for themselves. The ‘Cs’ have built some of the largest organizations in network marketing …That is WHEN they have the belief that they can do it.
How To Sponsor a ‘C’
‘Cs’ don’t want to be sold. They don’t like pushy, aggressive salespeople. Slow down the pace when you talk with a ‘C’. Contain your excitement. Lower the volume. They see the excitement as hype, and that you trying to sell them something. Don’t tell a ‘C’ about making $20,000 a month, because it will turn them off. Instead, talk less about business. Steer the discussion towards their family, children, and their holidays. They love a compensation plan where you can put people under people and work in depth. They are best in any type of “infinity” plan that pays them to work deep. They love “Spillovers” in matrix plans.