Secret of How to Create A Wealth Conscious Mindset

The secret to wealth creation is a mindset that is wealth conscious.

It is our attitude to wealth which holds us back. In most of the cases, it does not provide the right kind of soil to plant the seed of wealth. Most of us aspire to be rich but it is our outlook that keeps us poor.

Wealth comes to those who become wealth conscious. Failure to acquire riches comes to those who are not money conscious. Why do we harbor such a poor attitude towards wealth when we aspire for riches? This is mainly due to how our brain computer was programmed when we were young.

Understanding Our Subconscious – Key to Wealth Creation

The memory chip in our mind records everything. It records every event, experience, thought, dream or feeling we have ever had. It is an amazing machine. It simultaneously records millions of input from our five senses nonstop, 24 hours a day. They are stored in layers and layers, buried deep within our subconscious. Each new layer buries the preceding layer deeper into our subconscious.

Bigger the event, deeper the impression it leaves on our mind. Even the most insignificant of events are recorded and stored. Many believe that impressions of our past lives are passed on to us through the genetic code. We are what we are because of the sum total of those past impressions. Our personalities and attitudes are defined by these past impressions that are buried deep within our subconscious.

Most of these impressions were recorded when we were very young and had little or no control over them. They were recorded by individuals who had their own limitations of knowledge and human prejudices. They left an indelible mark on our mind because we loved and respected them. They were our parents, teachers and friends whom we trusted because their love for us was unconditional.

Events and thoughts mixed with emotions create the deepest of impressions. It will be wrong to suggest that everything we were taught and all that we experienced in our respective childhoods was wrong.

Some of the knowledge that we gained is invaluable to us. Nothing can substitute the feeling of love, care and concern that was transmitted to us that brings us joy today. But it is wise to know that impressions that form our attitudes today were based on imperfect knowledge.

Another important thing to remember is that the processor in our brain, that interprets the incoming data before recording, was not fully developed when we were young. In many cases, we recorded the wrong results simply because of our faulty interpretations of the events around us.

wealth conscious

We judge new events in our lives based on the imperfect information stored in our memory. Our brain processor becomes tainted when it compares new events with our not so perfect recorded data of the past.

Our emotions are the sum total of impressions caused by thoughts and feelings stored in our subconscious, and they are undeniably powerful.  It is our feelings, dominated by the subconscious, that lead to action. While making financial decisions, we are torn between logic and emotions. It is mostly emotions that win.

When feelings become strong within us, they force us to act. Finally, it is action that leads to wealth creation. If we can change our thought process, then we can change the outcome of our future. Our destiny is in our hands and we cannot blame it on others.