Network Marketing: How to Convert Followers into Buyers without Calling Anyone

Network marketing is tough when it comes to sponsoring new leads into your downline. You can make this task simple by using awesome power of new software systems online.

The way to have automatic sales by converting followers into buyers without selling or picking up the phone is by using a video sales presentation that is digitally delivered online. A long winding text sale letter does not convert well. A video sales presentation, on the other hand, presents your product and call to purchase more effectively.

Video Sales Letter

A video sales letter is like a presentation you are making to a live audience. The only difference is that it is delivered electronically. You are replicating a sales representative for you without ever having to pay a dime. This provides you with a huge leverage in terms of auto sales.

All you need is a state of the art autoresponder that captures leads, builds auto relationships through education and finally delivers a video sales letter once the client is convinced about the solution you are offering is the right one.

E-Commerce System

The next thing you need for automatic sales is when you call to action, have an e-commerce system that allows you to accept payments directly to your bank account.

Continuity Programs

The next phase of automatic sales is to be able to make money from your buyers month after month on auto pilot. To do that you need to sell continuity programs that pay you monthly commissions for a sale made once. This creates a residual income stream for you.

There is no point in selling items that give you cash for one time sale. You cannot create a sustainable business with one time sale products.

Not all continuity programs are successful. Some people like to promote membership sites. A membership site needs to provide tremendous value month after month to sustain the membership.

It is our experience that most membership sites fail to deliver after a few months and clients tend to drop out after they have received the information they were seeking. Most membership sites also pay you only one level deep. This does not create a sustainable residual income because there is no leveraging by the members you sponsor.

By far the best solution is to promote companies that sell digital products through network marketing model on the internet. This creates residual income as it leverages the team effort with the power of the internet.

The trick is to find companies that pay you high cash flow for each sale and reward you with a great residual income potential if you build a large network organization. It is advisable to promote programs that are sticky and have very high retention rates.

Increase Income per Lead

The next step of auto monetization is to increase your income per lead without calling or selling.

If you have successfully created a network marketing organization for selling one product or service then it is very easy to sell another product or service to the same network because they understand the necessity of creating multiple streams of residual income.

The best part is that you don’t even have to train them again because they are fully educated towards building a network.

Time Saving Solutions

The last part of the auto monetization process is to offer time saving solutions to the members of your network marketing team. Products that you offer must make their lives easier in order to accomplish their goals. You must first be sold on the product yourself before recommending it to your team.

Your love of the product can earn your commissions by recommending it to your team.  If the product, you sell creates a residual income for your team and also adds to their efficiency then it is an absolute win win situation for everyone.

Having more products and services available for purchase to your team will earn more money on every lead you capture. There is, however, a word of caution. To succeed long term the products that you sell must help your team achieve their goals and make them successful.

If you try and sell products that are of no value to your team and just line up your pocket then your organization will lose faith in your integrity and judgment. This is the first step towards disintegrating your organization. Ethics and integrity behind auto sales is very important. You may never meet or see a client, but you have to treat them with great care and respect.

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