How to Increase Free BLOG Traffic: COMMENTING effectively

In this post let me share with you my top strategies for driving a ton of free traffic with Blog Commenting to your website, YouTube video or Facebook post. Once you learn these strategies you will drive insane traffic to your website or opt-in page of your choice.

Social Media as we all know is more than a buzzword. For years, successful campaigners used Social Media and especially Blog Commenting to grow their lists and it has been proven. This is an easy to use social media tool that can help you drive traffic to your opt-in page. Start with few influential blogs in your niche.

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Blog commenting is all about driving traffic to your opt-in page. But unlike forums, blog commenting often is not only to answer some questions, rather to use your blog to share your own thoughts and ideas effectively and generate traffic.

Let me give an example for this…

A forum member asks a direct question like “How do I grow my business?”

A blog or a blogger on the other hand, simply posted an article like

“3 Ways to Grow Your Business FAST.”

A Forum does require an answer but a blog post doesn’t.

On the other hand, it doesn’t mean that blog post has no room for inputs even though it doesn’t require answers at all.

When to look to drive traffic through commenting:

Drive Traffic – Blogging for Beginners

This is like forum. You don’t forget to use this kind of opportunity to drive traffic. So, remember that your comments must include a link to your opt-in page.

In setting up the commenting function for the blog it usually depends on the blogger but you must be able to do one or more of these:

  • Link your Username – the nickname you put that appears at the top of the comment leading to your opt-in page.
  • Use a link right inside the comment. Don’t ever overdo this!
  • “Sign” all your comments using your opt-in page URL by just putting the link under your name at the end of the comment.
  • Blogs where links placed on the comments are not allowed. You must create a profile and fill out the “URL” section together with the link to your opt-in page. If you continue to post good and informative comments, people will check out your profile and will click on that URL.

Using my “RSS Trick” To Comment IMMEDIATELY

RSS feeds are a cool piece of modern technology that allows you to receive automatic blog updates as soon as they have been posted.

An example of this is when you subscribe to the RSS of my feed, and as soon as I post something on it, it will be on my RSS feed right away.

Here is a cool trick on how to get the biggest bang from blog comments using RSS FEEDS:

STEP 1: You can download a RSS reader or you can just subscribe to an online one. This will allow you to receive RSS Feeds. You can search good and free ones by simply searching on Google.

STEP 2: Subscribe to the biggest blogs that can be seen in your niche

STEP 3: When someone publishes a new blog post, it will appear on your RSS feed RIGHT AWAY.

STEP 4: Now all you should do is to go to that blog and write down your comment! With this kind of trick, you can be the first person to comment on that new blog post.

Your comment will appear at the top of the page, and this means that more people will be able to read it, which means more potential traffic.

Give Worthwhile Inputs

You don’t just post a comment just for the sake of commenting, like “Great post!” Give the author and the reader something that can overwhelm their hearts or a little extra something too – some ideas, reactions or even a bit of controversy.

If the post for example is like this “3 Ways to Grow Our Business FAST!” you can insert a fourth tip on how to grow the business, in detail. By doing this you are contributing to the conversation by the helpful hints and establishing yourself as an expert.

Compliment the Post in a Creative Way

The best way when offering an additional tip is to make sure that you acknowledge what you like about the article. Example:

How To Be Financially Intelligent
This will position you as a nice person and will give the author a bit of an ego boost. This may also lead to a friendship relationship in the future, with the possibility of becoming a guest blogger.

Disagree Politely

If you think you want to disagree on something written and you want to stir up things a little, DO NOT ever be a rude jerk and destroy someone’s article in pieces! Being a person who knows all isn’t too good, it will not only lead to a less traffic being driven, but may also get comment taken down or even result in your profile being banned. How to start writing blogs effectively is an art, it needs to be mastered.

As mentioned, it is not bad to detract a bit, but make sure that you do it politely. There will be times when you will disagree on what the article had to say but do it in a good manner. Then you can always back up to whatever causes your disagreement with a solid solution.

Take note that you don’t just be negative for the sake of being negative. You should BE CONSTRUCTIVE. You might get thanked by the author for that. This will also increase your credibility, both through good input and by correcting the “expert.” Effective Commenting is the Key!

To Sum Up:

  • The faster you can comment on a blog posts, the better your results will be
  • Blog comments should be well ELABORATED on the article.
  • You can comment if you disagree and be constructive as well, but it should NEVER be rude and derogatory.
  • Always be polite and approach in a good manner. Remember that you are a guest.
  • Don’t forget to include the URL to your opt-in page either directly in the blog comment or it can be in your profile.

Daily Routine to grow followers:

  • Go back to the blogs that you pulled up earlier
  • Look over the comments
  • Identify helpful comments and notice some “throw away” comments, too.
  • Comment on one of the blogs together with the link going back to your opt-in page.



Blog commenting is one great way to help you establish yourself as an expert in a community of people who are very well interested in that niche.

Most people who read blogs are the ones who have an active interest and always want to learn more.

This way your comments can drive those interested people – which means quality traffic – to your opt-in page.

If you have liked my post ‘ Building Free BLOG Traffic: COMMENTING effectively’ or benefited in any way, please share it and post your valuable comments!

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